Terminal Lance #153 “Old Corps”
Back in my day, my seniors used to tell us stories about how when they were boots, it was ten times worse than ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #152 “Blue Water”
I honestly don’t know if everyone can relate specifically to this situation, but I will tell you that the moment the blue shitter-water ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #151 “Marine Hunters”
Anyone who’s ever been in a bar within 10 minutes of a Marine Corps base knows this story. The unfortunate truth to this ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance “Paranoid Book Signing”
Well this weekend was great! For those of you not in the know, which would be weird since you’re reading this, myself accompanied ...
TL Comics
“KNIFE-HANDS!” Book Signing!
Hey everyone, come join me this weekend for a “KNIFE-HANDS!” book signing in SoCal! Here’s the gameplan so far: Saturday we’ll be heading ...
Terminal Lance #150 “Family Fun Day”
Family Fun Days are one of those things that everyone consensually agrees to be annoying, overdone, and unenjoyable in almost every regard. No ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #149 “Intent”
No, I’m not suggesting everyone join the infantry. I think it’s been quite a while since I did a strip that actually brought ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #148 “The Mr. E Mystery 3”
I had trouble deciding if this strip should end up with the title of “Literally” or what you see here. Either way, this ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #147 “Keeping the Myth Alive”
It is perhaps a possibility that I am one of few–and your views do not pertain as such–but when I think of my ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #146 “Proper Civilian Attire”
Fashion and the Marine Corps don’t typically mix, at least not when you’re considering what many SNCO’s define as “proper civilian attire”. Don’t ...