The Weekend Crew
If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that no one wants to be in the barracks. The barracks is the ...
TL Comics
The Target Guy
For years, one man has terrorized Marines in combat marksmanship more than anyone else. He has been killed more times than possible to ...
TL Comics
Olympian Shooter
As of writing, the United States has 1 Gold Medal in the Olympic shooting category, putting us in 3rd place behind China and ...
TL Comics
The Swarm II
Bootcamp isn’t always miserable. There are fleeting moments when you’re able to distract yourself long enough to think happy thoughts. Enjoy the moment. ...
TL Comics
The Story of Creation II
In the beginning, God created the Recruit. He was wretched, diseased and malformed. Cursed to a life of misery aboard the Marine Corps ...
Enlisted VS Officer: New Marines
As I’m sure you probably already know if you’re reading this, Marines come in two primary flavors: Enlisted and Officer. In many ways, ...
TL Comics
The All-Nighter
There’s no worse feeling than showing up to morning formation after a night of splendorous indulgence into the wee hours of the morning. ...
TL Comics
The Chow Hall Days
Every day at the chow hall presents itself with a deliciously festive culinary theme for Marines to enjoy. “Taco Tuesday,” “Hamburger Hump-Day,” “Italian ...
TL Comics
Not a Cell Phone in Sight
There was a time before cell phones when people were more present in their daily lives. Instead of staring down at their electronic ...
TL Comics
The Temptress
The Career Planner in any battalion has one job: keep Marines enlisted. Usually, as your EAS date looms, you are likely to be ...