TL Comics

The Bennies


All Marines enlist for a variety of different reasons. Perhaps you wanted to serve your country patriotically or make your parents proud. Maybe you wanted to see action and adventure around the globe. It could be that you’re 5’3 and full anger and rage, in which case you will probably become a Drill Instructor.

However, for many, the reason is much more practical: the bennies. The benefits of enlisting in the military at large are well-known and beloved. The GI Bill alone might make the purchase price worth it depending on whether you are able to EAS in one piece. There’s even a few more benefits that can be a huge help later down the road of your life, such as the VA Home Loan or VA healthcare and disability.

The cost? Just 4 years of your life, body, and sanity at the disposal of Uncle Sam.

For me? I enlisted because I wanted to be a better artist. However, the GI Bill is probably single greatest asset you have to your name after flying back to your Home of Record at the end of your enlistment.

Use it.

Hell, I’m a New York Times bestselling author and even I’m still using my GI Bill right now!

Infantry Marine turned Combat Artist turned animator turned bestselling author turned dad.

The Marine Corps Way

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