Terminal Lance #117 βPay Freeze Woesβ
I think I ended up focussing more on the moral implications of internet porn versus regular format porn. Either way, I don’t know ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #116 βRufflesβ
This strip is something I’m sure a few of you have encountered. You tell someone you’re a Marine or you find out they’re ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance “WonderCon 2011”
EDIT: As any of you that follow the Facebook fan page know by now, I had a run in with fate at WonderCon ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #115 βWelcome Backβ
You ever notice how whenever you come back from block leave, your Platoon Sergeant will always try to make it seem like it’s ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #114 βMyths and Legends IVβ
Every Lance Corporal in the Marine Corps has heard of LCpl Schmuckatelli. He’s the same Lance Corporal that you’ve heard in every safety ...
Terminal Lance #113 βBattle: LAβ
I will tell you, as I told my wife when we exited the theater on Sunday after seeing the new film Battle: Los ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #112 βCrossed Choicesβ
I won’t say that there’s no credibility to the argument that grunts should have crossed rifles whilst others should not. Then again, I ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #111 βOscar Seasonβ
The reason I decided not to make fun of “The King’s Speech” is really because I haven’t seen it. I did, however, see ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #110 βBootcamp: The Swarmβ
Drill Instructors have a kind of magical, cartoon quality about them. The animated characters that run around yelling at recruits all day have ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #109 βCurious Diningβ
Perhaps this strip won’t ring true with everyone, but I always thought it was rather curious while I was aboard al Asad air ...