Terminal Lance #135 “Married Marines”
As someone who is married, and was married while actively in an infantry line platoon, I can recall this situation happening quite vividly ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #134 “The First Avenger”
If you’re not sure what Abe’s referring to here, you’re probably either in the Army or not in the military at all. Most ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #133 “Literally II”
There were really only two ways to do this joke: 1. End it with the obvious answer: Abe literally shits something out 2. ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance “Necropocalypse” Part X
Well this officially marks the end of the Necropocalypse. The last panel here actually had to change from my original plan in conjunction ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance “Necropocalypse” Part IX
Damn, I was kind of hoping Garcia would make it out alive. Be sure to check back on Friday for the final piece ...
Terminal Lance “Necropocalypse” Part VIII
Another day, another Necropocalypse comic. I’ve got two more of these planned, as it was planned as a ten-part series. Don’t like it? ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance “Necropocalypse” Part VII
We’ve got kind of an odd update schedule going on this week due to the contest, I’m going to try to have the ...
TL Comics
Necropocalypse Contest Winner Pedro Morales III!
Well after a few weeks and about 20 really awesome Necropocalypse contest entries, I had to make a tough decision. The contest was ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance “Necropocalypse” Part VI
Now I aint sayin’ she’s a gold digga, but she aint messin’ wit no broke niggas. Well, maybe she is while you’re gone, ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance “Necropocalypse” Part V
And the Necropocalypse continues… Inspired from Dawn of the Dead, I figured the PX would be a perfect place for a platoon to ...