TL Comics

Terminal Lance #136 “Enough is Enough”


I’m just gonna throw this out there:

If someone can bring Daniel Craig to the Marine Corps Ball, I will send you a prize.

But seriously…

I’ll admit, what Sgt. Moore managed to pull off with Mila Kunis is nothing short of admirable and inspiring. However, the recent explosion of bad YouTube videos featuring Marines of all shapes and sizes asking out whatever dream-list celebrity they can think of is getting old really quick. I want to note that while it was a funny remark on behalf of Justin Timberlake to encourage Mila Kunis to go as a challenge to her patriotism, I think it’s necessary to point out that just because you’re a Marine doesn’t obligate anyone to do a damned thing with you.

Sgt. Moore had a good idea, he ran with it and put together a short, charming and humorous video that had character. Unfortunately, the vast fodder of copycat videos exhibit a complete dearth of originality and effort. So far, Marines have asked out Miley Cyrus, Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Aniston, Hayden Pannettiere (good choice), Mary Kate Olsen, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Drake, Ricky Martin (who is gay by the way), and even a male Lance Corporal asked Will Farrell to accompany him to the Ball–and I’m sure there’s more celebrities than that that have been asked.

I mean it’s all for fun really, but come on, everyone is a little tired of the idea by now. Mila Kunis is a great girl for accepting the invitation, but once is truly enough. If you’re really desperate for a date, I’m sure there’s some equally desolate girl you know from high school that leaves a slug trail at the sight of dress blues, so just hit her up.

Edit: As some people on Facebook pointed out, two of the more ridiculous ones were also the Marines that asked out Betty White and even Casey Anthony.

Infantry Marine turned Combat Artist turned animator turned bestselling author turned dad.

Terminal Lance #135 “Married Marines”

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