Terminal Lance #145 “Conspiracy”
I suppose I’m the kind of person that’s never really been “in to” conspiracy theories. In general, I find the vast majority of ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #144 “PDA”
Any Marine that’s free of his virginity and mentally capable of a relationship with a female (or otherwise now, I suppose) may have ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #143 “Literally III”
***UPDATE*** “KNIFE-HANDS” is officially available to order! Check out this disgusting video of me. Click here to order! As I’m sure many of ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #142 “Marriage Matters”
I’m fairly certain that at some point or another on this beloved blog of mine I’ve mentioned that the marriage system in the ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #141 “When You Least Expect It”
We certainly don’t need to go into details about how I came to this strip, but I’ll say it involved me jerking off ...
Terminal Lance #140 “Escalation of Force”
Shout, show, shove, shoot. This was the mantra given to turret gunners in my battalion during my time in Iraq. The “Escalation of ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #139 “Semantics”
To be honest, I’m not entirely sure if the whole “Senior Lance Corporal” billet is even a thing outside of the infantry. Typically, ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #138 “The Reveille Guy”
I’m just gonna start by saying that I think I just single-handedly taught about 30,000 Marines how to correctly spell “Reveille” (pronounced “Revley”). ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #137 “Headlines”
In lieu of the recent “budget debates” in DC these last couple of weeks (or really whatever you’d like to call them), this ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #136 “Enough is Enough”
I’m just gonna throw this out there: If someone can bring Daniel Craig to the Marine Corps Ball, I will send you a ...