Meritorious IV
Chongo makes his return (7 years later!) to illustrate the simple standards of Marine Corps leadership. Does a Marine need to be smart ...
TL Comics
Everyone in the Corps has some kind of experience on the rifle range. Marines qual upon enlisting during boot camp, and then maintain ...
TL Comics
God Save the Queen
In case you have been out in the field for the last week and/or prefer to only get your news from incredibly good-looking, ...
TL Comics
Pugilist Feudilist
Nothing turns friend into foe more readily than being handed pugil sticks and an ugly helmet. These stupid toys turn the tightest of ...
TL Comics
Punish the Masses
In the Marine Corps, you live, eat, sleep and operate as a team. Often times, this means getting punished as a team as ...
Purple Hearts
Ah, finally a movie about a love story as old as time: a Marine Lance Corporal marries a girl in Oceanside for the ...
TL Comics
(Please note, this infographic could also apply to Marine Corps Air Station Yuma as well) Twentynine Palms is as ubiquitous throughout the Corps ...
TL Comics
Packing Lite
You can always tell the boots from the seniors by how Marines pack for the field. When you’re new, you think you need ...
TL Comics
Warrior Monk No More
The dog has been tamed. For those of you that missed the momentous occasion, former Secretary of Defense and Marine Corps legend James ...
TL Comics
Enter the Fog Wall
As a Lance Corporal of Marines, there’s nothing worse than the day a Staff NCO summons you without telling you why. All you ...