Terminal Lance #43 “Really, No One Does”
Military wives are a great thing, however, when a wife takes her husband’s rank into her own sense of worth–it makes them not ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #42 “Calling Home”
A slightly late update on my part, due to the fact that I spent all night creating the new forum and exporting all ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #41 “Standing Post: Stages of Boredom”
Though it may seem like going from song to pubic arson is slightly far-fetched, I may remind you that Marines are a very ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #40 “Rip-It®: A Documentary”
Rip It® is a registered trademark of Sundance Beverage Company. I’ll just get straight to the point on this one: Marines love Rip-Its. ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #39 “A New Staff NCO is Born”
*Edit* After re-reading this when I woke up I realized I completely forgot to mention the original intent with this strip. My original ...
Terminal Lance #38 “Personal Financial Management”
It is a very common thing, and a very large problem in the Marine Corps. Marines every day fall victim to predatory lenders ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #37 “Where Does He Get New Ones?”
This is just something I always wondered, where does the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps get new chevrons? Admittedly, I’ve never been ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #EAS
It is with cheer and a grain of salt that I officially say goodbye to the Marine Corps. 4 years ago, on this ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #36 “The Closet Motivator”
They exist all around us, Marines who talk big but when they’re home they dawn their issued gear and Marine Corps paraphernalia to ...
TL Comics
Terminal Lance #35 “How Things Have Changed”
If this strip looks a little different, your eyes have not deceived you as you suspect. This strip was created by Combat Artist ...