Infantry Marine turned Combat Artist turned animator turned bestselling author turned dad.
TL Comics

Party with Arty

Artillery Marines in the 08XX field like their big guns. They like them long and erect while firing hot loads on America’s enemies. ...

Coloring for Marines

GRAB YOUR CRAYONS, MARINES!* Coloring for Marines is available right now on Amazon! This coloring and activity book from Terminal Lance is sure ...
TL Comics

You’re Hired

As an infantry Marine veteran myself, I can’t recommend the Post 9/11 GI Bill enough. Many people enlist to gain practical skills that ...
TL Comics

Hurricane Hilary

Southern California faces an unusual weather event this weekend: Hurricane Hilary. While the hurricane is expected to be downgraded to a tropical storm ...

TL Underground

Terminal Lance is now on Patreon! Warrior! TL needs you! The Green Weenie forces grow stronger by the hour. Heroes that are good ...

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