Infantry Marine turned Combat Artist turned animator turned bestselling author turned dad.
TL Comics

It’s Complicated

Marines have developed many reputations around the nation over the years. They are fierce warriors, stalwart citizens, and renown lovers. That last point ...
TL Comics

November 10th

Most of the time, being a Marine is just kind of miserable by design. Grueling hours, treatment, food, haircuts and overall vibes can ...
TL Comics

The Bennies

All Marines enlist for a variety of different reasons. Perhaps you wanted to serve your country patriotically or make your parents proud. Maybe ...
TL Comics

The Target Guy

For years, one man has terrorized Marines in combat marksmanship more than anyone else. He has been killed more times than possible to ...
TL Comics

Olympian Shooter

As of writing, the United States has 1 Gold Medal in the Olympic shooting category, putting us in 3rd place behind China and ...
TL Comics

The Swarm II

Bootcamp isn’t always miserable. There are fleeting moments when you’re able to distract yourself long enough to think happy thoughts. Enjoy the moment. ...

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