Every week, male Marines are presented with a selection of do’s and styles for their hair. The choices available are limited, but offer some variety in their look and feel.
A tried and true medium-reg this week? Maybe you’re feeling extra motivated and spring for the classic Marine Corps high-and-tight. Or, perhaps the lowest fade you can possibly get away with while still being zero-to-exactly-three-inches on top.
The choice is yours, Marines!
In other news, we have some exciting new T-shirts and other merch coming to the TL store soon, so stay tuned for that.
Additionally, I wanted to mention that you can now subscribe to TL as a premium member on the official Terminal Lance Instagram page. This will give you some behind the scenes extra content and sneak peaks at upcoming stuff. I know this kind of stuff is annoying, but it turns out making content and running all of this takes time and energy and we all have bills to pay. If you’re a fan of TL, consider helping support by subscribing. Head over to Instagram to learn more!
Should’ve made a joke about how some barber’s “Medium reg” looks like a “high and tight”. But still a classic staple of USMC life, have you made fun of Space Force yet? Guardians or whatever they’re called?
I always got “the shit-bag”.
As a corpsman, I just got a haircut every 3 weeks…”Doc, you look like hammered shit.” Guess it’s time for a haircut…
I was an Infantry Marine in the 1990s, a Reservist and became an Officer in the Air Wing. Terminal Lance ( Maximilian) you a certifed comedic GENIUS in capturing the absurdity, stupidity and also pride that comes with the title Marine! I always enjoy your comic strips and after years of being out, I can see that the same basic BS hasn’t changed that much.
Getting haircuts every Sunday was always an annoyance, but I remember the cheapest base cut was only $6.50 (1992 prices). A Haircut say every two-to-three weeks would save junior enlisted some money, but Comandants ( and the Corps) are too set in their ways to consider that! But in 2023 if you embrace a new religion as a Sikh, the Corps would be FORCED to become a more progressive and stop judging peoples worth by the length of their hair alone.
Clean shave, exept during winter. The short stuble that appears in day or two loved to make a bond with the beanie, especially if you had helmet on for the day, and removal of it felt like riping your own scalp off.
I was a corpsman stationed at Camp Pendleton in the 1970s. I made tge mistake of getting a haircut at the San Onofre barbershop one morning, after a company if Privates were just marched through. The barber was working from muscle memory and was halfway through giving me a high and tight before I realized how much hair was falling off my head (I may have been up late at the SNCO club the night before).
Anyway, I love the humor and memories it brings back.