This is why we can’t have nice things.
Well, more specifically, Marines are why we can’t have nice things. They let devil dogs in the barracks, why not dog dogs? hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
This is actually a problem I’ve run into a lot in the civilian world as well, as I’ve bounced around over the years since I left Hawaii. I have a dog, a real dog, and it’s always a hassle to find a place that allows pets his size. Ironically, there’s usually no restriction on children and babies, which are going to destroy a place worse than even the drunkest of Marines on a Friday night. But alas, it is the burden I carry for living with my furry friend.
Anyway, I don’t have anything too important to add here. Today has just been one of those days and some things that were planned for TL fell through and left me saying fuck.
This strip was previously published in the Marine Corps Times newspaper, don’t forget you can catch new Terminal Lance comics in every issue! As well, keep up with TL on Facebook and Instagram for funny shit from around the Corps daily.