TL Comics

Terminal Lance “Barracks Lawyer”


In every barracks exists one Marine that’s been through the ringer so many times, he has become an expert on Marine Corps Orders and regulations, and all matters pertaining to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). That Marine is the Barracks Lawyer, and he’s there to represent you in your time of need.

He knows that Article 134 is a bland catch-all that essentially means nothing. If you take it to Court-Martial, there’s no way they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you did anything wrong.

You got this in the bag, bro. They got nothing on you.

The reality is that he’s probably right. While many Marines make mistakes worth real punishment, some just get burned by their command for the sake of getting burned. In these unfortunate instances, when you’ve been truly wronged by a system that cares more about itself than its Marines, its time to seek out a barracks lawyer.

Infantry Marine turned Combat Artist turned animator turned bestselling author turned dad.

Terminal Lance “War is a Racket”

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