It’s official: The Marine Corps has a new Commandant as of this week. The esteemed General Neller has stepped down into retirement, and his replacement, General Berger has taken over as the 38th Commandant of the Marine Corps. General Neller can now take his place in the circle of life, joining Jim Mattis and John Kelly in Malibu where they’ll all get lit and talk shit about Joe Dunford, who is stuck back at the Pentagon doing POG shit and being depressed.
At least, this is my headcanon of what goes on between the Marine Corps’ most recent four star Generals. My wife and I have this theory that they’ve got a group chat going where they talk shit about everything and everyone, and how much they can’t wait to fuck off into the sunset after it’s all said and done.
For my part, General Neller has always been a cool ass dude to me and to the Marine Corps. Under his command, he embraced outside the box ideas and was always a Marine’s Marine, being prior infantry. General Berger has some big corframs to fill behind papa Neller, but I’m wishing them both the best of luck in their new lives.
Bob, if you’re ever on the west coast, feel free to hit me up.

General Neller and Terminal Lance creator Maximilian Uriarte