If the military is known for anything, it’s the plethora of uniforms you’ll find yourself stumbling into upon joining and being totally badass.
We’ve all seen the ubiquitous Dress Blue uniform or the standard issue cammies, Service A, B, and C uniforms. However, stay in long enough and you’ll encounter a whole other world of weird and somewhat fantastical, even flamboyant outfits.
Staff and Officers are allowed the “Evening Dress” uniform, which is only to be worn during formal events such as the Marine Corps Birthday Ball, etc.
The average Lance Corporal will never come anywhere near either owning or wanting to own any of this stuff, but it exists.
Perhaps one of the more strange items, in my opinion, is the Range Coach hat. Silly hats are nothing new to the military, but this particular one was always odd to me. Like some vestigial remnant of a time long past, when safari’s were apparently an every day activity.
Of course, there’s a rich history behind all of these strange things, but most people will never learn it. If you ever do stumble upon the Department of Unusual and Obscure Uniform Items, be sure to pick up some swim instructor shorts, or perhaps that weird bomber jacket that only recruiters wear.