TL Comics

The Weekend Crew


If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that no one wants to be in the barracks. The barracks is the place you are forced to be in, and any time you have the freedom to venture out, you take it.

The weekend crew are the Marines left behind on Saturday and Sunday with no means to escape their den of misery. Most of the time, these are boots that haven’t met a girl (or boy) out in town who will let them crash at their place for the weekend, or motivated NCO’s who have embraced their bachelor life, or the duty. Let’s also not forget our dearest Restriction Marines, who grace us with their belligerent presence at all hours.

In some respects, the weekend is ironically the quietest time to be at the barracks. You may actually hang out just to experience peace and quiet after a long week of nonsense during work hours and binge-drinking in the night. Whatever reason you have for staying back on the weekend, there’s always someone to hang out with.

Infantry Marine turned Combat Artist turned animator turned bestselling author turned dad.

The Target Guy

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  1. Wait….did you just slip in a Message to Garcia joke there?

  2. How come there’s no ‘Terminal Lance’ videogame?

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